Bell shares personal information and outside of Canada?

Yes Bell does share your information without your permission

We do not provide personal information to any party outside of the plethora of Bell companies and asscoicated companoes except in limited circumstances in which it is necessary for us to do so.  These third parties may include:
  • An agent acting on behalf of Bell, such as a company hired to perform installation work on our behalf.
  • Another communications service provider, in order to offer efficient and effective communications services (e.g., to provide mobile service while roaming in another company's coverage area) or as required by law.
  • A collection agency, for the express purpose of the collection of past due bills.
When we provide personal information to third parties, we give only the information that is required under the specific circumstances. That information is used only for the purpose stated and is subject to strict terms of confidentiality. The employees of the companies that we share this information with must meet and respect our privacy standards.

Directory listing information
Please note that, pursuant to federal legislation, publicly available information, including a directory listing of your name, address and telephone number, may be collected, used and disclosed by organizations without your consent.
If you prefer not to have your listing information provided to select organizations, please contact us.

Sharing information among the Bell companies
Occasionally we may share information between the Bell companies to help understand your information, communication and entertainment needs, and to provide you with relevant information to meet those needs.

Option to opt out

If you don't want your information shared among the Bell companies, please contact us.
Please note that when you choose to opt out (or opt back in), it may take up to 30 days to update our databases.

Legal and emergency exceptions

It' s important to note that in certain circumstances, we may collect, use or disclose personal information without your knowledge or consent. For example:
  • During the investigation of a breach of an agreement or the breaking of provincial or federal laws.
  • If we' re asked to comply with a subpoena, warrant, court order or other lawful request.
  • If there is an emergency where someone' s life, health or security is threatened.
For  a little more info but no depth: