In the last decade or so of my life, in my humble opinion incompetent and sometimes cowardly leadership has done more to change the face of our world than perhaps in any other time in my short time on earth. Recent,in my view, badly managed events like Hurricane Katrina and the war in Iraq have proven that blind faith in our rulers is more than foolish--it can be downright dangerous.
The world possibly has grown more complicated and more volatile, and it follows that making intelligent decisions about the people in charge has never been more crucial. The quality of discernment ( insight and good judgment ) is often missing after the election of such persons. The 'spin' works for sure.
What causes us to follow bad leaders and how can we stop it? The answer in Canada is simple: ~Public Apathy~
If we want better leaders, we need to become better informed I personally use the GOYA technique and need more demanding knowledgeable followers. The realm of 'Animal Farm' which in my view has a civic address in Nova Scotia, must cease
I would love to have the support of a 'free press' ......... a free and independent press that is. I am still looking in Canada. It should be one Canada's best protections from being taken in by unscrupulous leaders ......... if we had one.?
I personally find it so difficult here in the Nova Scotia province of Canada to find out important breakdown details about almost any subject matter As an example, the actual method of calculating the price of Gas is almost impossible to find out. It seems that everything is in place but nothing is available. The veneer covers it all. Try it yourself ask for a clear method. This is my challenge to readers.
If incompetence were all we had to worry about when it came to bad political leaders, we could count ourselves lucky. But bad leaders are frequently dangerous, even deadly. After all most of these leaders who are 'pillars of society' are well off often legally and financially trained professionals who in fact make the laws that make themselves so dangerous. An enigma..a paradox?.. You choose.
Just ask the survivors of America’s Katrina disaster or visit graves relating to the Haitian disaster aftermath, about the amount of damage incompetent leadership can cause. Ask the people of Afghanistan and of Vietnam and perhaps Korea.. the list goes on. and closer to home Ask the people who have lost life-time investments because of poor government decisions, poor expensive laws and 'greed' with poor government fiscal management with zero accountability. Ask the long growing line of the unemployed and the waiting lines in hospital corridors and waiting rooms.
In Canada ask the elderly. Ask the First Nations people.. Oh Canada
We are living in a world where right and wrong are not polar opposites but only shades of difference. Thinking is required. The seemingly obvious course of action is often wrong. What’s certain on the surface is often an illusion. Dogma leads to despair. We are living in an age when measured action is a necessity. But how do we measure it. Should this change if we are unhappy with the current methodology Intelligence isn’t a luxury. I pray that We’ve used up our stupid quotient. It is time to get it right. We must cast away all the things that get in the way of knowledge.We must set our sights on a higher purpose, built upon facts, new science, and just plain smarts.
The world is no longer a simple place. It is interconnected, unpredictable, and speeding toward who knows where. Events seemingly of any nature are driven out of control, and to a large extent they are. The spin cloud cover is magic.
I truly believe we must educate the young to be devoted to true knowledge and not superstition, to enlightenment and not ignorance, to inclusion and not rejection, to reality and not blind faith, and to honesty and transparency by our leaders with powerful audit facilities to measure the actions of both failures and successes.
We need to believe in ourselves again. We need leaders who measure up.We must demand much more of those who say, ”Follow me.”
We want( but do we need) to enhance our self-esteem and sense of self-worth. How about self compassion insteaad ? We want a sense of competence, power, achievement, and confidence that we can cope with and exercise control over our environment and governments.
Our leaders of course fulfill this WANT feeling and tell us 'by voting for them that this 'WANT' will come to to be'..yeh...?
I feel our leaders are more often than not, Narcissistic? an 'asset' that enables the “mirror hungry” person to rise in organizations, society, and politics. If this is so then its is not hard to see why such people are generally so successful. After all, they:
* Exhibit high levels of self-confidence that people equate with competence.
* Have an infectious enthusiasm.
* Have an unrelenting drive for power.
* Are good at office politics.
* Are frequently charming.
* Build large numbers of quick, albeit superficial, relationships.
* Are able to make quick decisions with seeming ease.
* Have especially in Canada, Machiavellian “street smarts”when it comes to getting their way.
We must diligently employ Kipling's 'Poem'
“I keep six honest serving men
(They taught me all I knew);
Their names are What and Why and When
And How and Where and Who.”
And we must insist on an answers based on real truth, not empty rhetoric. Don’t just tell us that the torch has been passed to a new generation. Tell us what you intend to do with the torch. Words aren’t enough. We want a clear and practical path to tomorrow.
In my opinion Canada needs a method like some USA states to be able rescind any leader if they do wrong or are not able to carry out the promises they made or they downright lied.
It’s time to send a message to corrupt politicians, incompetent bureaucrats, and all those who assume power and then abuse it that we won’t take their failures and betrayal anymore. We all fail at times, its the way of life but to cover it up and deny it is wrong. These people in my view have no conscience so they are able to sleep every night.!
If you are sick of being misled by politicians who promise much and deliver little, this blog is for you.
If you are tired of being seduced by the imagery of false prophets and
tricked by those who exploit corrupt influence for personal gain, this blog is for you.
If you are tired of leaders enriching themselves and that includes in Nova Scotia misappropriation* at your expense, this blog is for you.
If you are tired of voting for change and getting only more of the same, this book is for you.
If you are tired of members of Parliaments and the Senior ministers putting
politics ahead of voters’ concerns and country needs, this blog is for you.
If you are ready to make your leaders and I include clergy, and myriads
all those others who proclaim they are “in charge,” your servant rather than your savior...then this blog is for you.
Lets find out - cost out and then cast out the many leechers. We can not afford them bureaucrats?.
Do you know who these bureaucrats are fellow Canadians? ...Lets make a list.. please contact me..
It wasn’t always that way .. Canada..
In law, misappropriation is the intentional, illegal use of the property or funds of another person for one's own use or other unauthorized purpose.
More to come...
French ban on mobile phones in schools
6 years ago