Misleading Advertising and Labeling another example of Canadian Veneer
Recently I have had on several occasions made purchases from my local superstores and found that the frozen product and chilled products have up to 35% water built into the weight I used simple everyday techniques to establish the water content..like weighing the product before and after de-frost carefully removing the water content and weighing it. The figures center around the water content of chicken bacon and the highest water content..FISH. Have you noticed large amounts of water after defrost..if so email me together we can do something to stop this scam. We are purchasing very expensive water and throwing it away. Of course at a price per pound or kilogram the Government do not care its tax on the supplier and selling monopolies profits..nice thank you.!
The misleading advertising and labeling provisions enforced by the Competition Bureau prohibit making any deceptive representations for the purpose of promoting a product or a business interest, and encourage the provision of sufficient information to allow consumers to make informed choices. We really need this agency, its the only way we currently have of protecting ourselves from corporate greed. Our news - media are in my opinion impotent
The false or misleading representations and deceptive marketing practices provisions of the Competition Act contain a general prohibition against all materially false or misleading representations. They also prohibit making performance representations which are not based on adequate and proper tests, misleading warranties and guarantees, false or misleading ordinary selling price representations, untrue, misleading or unauthorized use of tests and testimonials, bait and switch selling, double ticketing and the sale of a product above its advertised price. Further, the promotional contest provisions prohibit contests that do not disclose required information.
The Consumer Packaging and Labeling Act, Textile Labeling Act and Precious Metals Marking Act all contain prohibitions regarding false or misleading representations. They also require certain labeling or marking information aimed at assisting consumers in making informed purchasing decisions.
False or misleading representations
The Competition Act provides criminal and civil regimes to address false or misleading representations. Under both regimes, the Act prohibits the making, or the permitting of the making, of a representation to the public, in any form whatever, that is false or misleading in a material respect.
For more information
Visit our False or Misleading Representations and Deceptive Marketing Practices sites.
French ban on mobile phones in schools
6 years ago