Community Services and Provincial Law in Nova Scotia

What a waste of money in Nova Scotia

It would seem that all persons who qualify and receive from Community Services, any type of financial support are not accountable for how they spend it..They can spend it just how they choose..thats RIGHT yes.??

  1. Should there be some accountability in the Community Services Section for ensuring that generous allocated amounts of tax payers money issued purposely to aid a person in designated areas and thus help less fortunate people, is actually used for that purpose and no other purpose.

    The issue here is the accountability for ensuring needy targeted areas are actually reached and audited 'if say rent issued to a person to pay rent and is then used by that person for other purposes and not pay the rent what should happen?'.

  2. .When a person is named as power of attorney (enduring) by a donor, and the person named is being treated for paranoid schizophrenia prior to taking on this role, should the ill person be allowed to take on the role of POA without proper supervision.

    When say using lawyers, and in my view this should be a free or at least tax deductable facility,for the signing a legal POA, should the donor be seen alone by the lawyer and privately without any recipient presence in order to not be influenced by a 'dependence situation' and should the recipient of the POA be questioned about their mental health. The donor or lawyer may not be aware or incapable of seeing these issues and trust the recipient. Once signed its sealed, and lets say incompetence of the donor happens at a later time, what recourse, apart from The Supreme Court, is there to have the POA stopped by family or friends of the incompetent donor. NONE

    The issue here is that in a co-dependence family situation that is all too common, the recipient of the POD who may be seen as a trusted capable friend or perhaps a son or daughter etc. may be themselves ill and by taking on this responsibility may in fact endanger their own and the donors life.