Sometimes called subcultural delinquents, this is the main species of the largest genus of antisocial personalities and, because of the rising incidence of irresponsible and incompetent parenting, they are increasing in number.

They have a weak and un-elaborated conscience, are not shamed by much of what would shame you and I.

They often have a weak future perspective because they have grown up under circumstances in which the future was unpredictable and only the pleasures and pains directly at hand could be relied on.

They take pride in rule breaking rather than in rule observance and are like feral children grown up, gratifying impulses of the moment, disinterested in long-term goals except greed and envy.

In my opinion they are the natural result of weak  parental bonding, weak
cowardly parental control, and perhaps bad parental example. Most commonly they also display the effects of being turned loose in the streets to run with other sociopathic children where they assimilate the atavistic social structure of the street or of the adolescent gang. Drugs or alcohol  may have been available to them

These individuals are feral creatures, undomesticated predators, stowaways on our communal voyage who have never signed the Social Contract.