The Trump haters in Canada..beware

Will Canada learn from USA

The Trump haters in both the USA and  Canada are crying in their beer, wondering how they lost. Hillary Clinton was under the impression that the people enjoyed what President Obama did to this country, so she thought she would win hands-down. How wrong she and the Democrats were, not to mention the polls and talking heads who blocked out the cries of our people.

It was reported that approximately 160 million people were registered to vote in this election. Over 100 million people — one third of the population — cast ballots. That leaves out some 200 million people, which includes children and those not interested in what goes on in their own country.

It was also reported that Mrs. Clinton won the popular vote but not the Electoral College vote, where Mr. Trump came out victorious. This means that integrity and honesty have little meaning to those supporting Mrs. Clinton. It didn’t matter that their candidate lied about having top-secret emails on her private server, emails that were more than likely hacked by our enemies, leaving this country and its people vulnerable. It didn’t matter, either, that Mrs. Clinton ignored over 600 emails requesting more security from Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens in Benghazi, who was murdered by terrorists. And it didn’t matter that Mrs. Clinton wanted to continue Mr. Obama’s socialist policies, which in eight years have all but destroyed our country as we knew it. How Mrs. Clinton supporters can ignore the seriousness of her dirty deeds is beyond reason.

How Canadians can even sympathize beats me.

Thanks to Mr. Obama, the USA is a severely divided country and weak in the eyes of our enemies.
Mr. Trump talked the talk, now he has to walk the walk, do what he said he would do and make this country great again.
Watch this space.